Submitted Papers
10. A. Clow, On Oriented Colourings of Graphs on Surfaces, preprint here.
9. A. Clow, M. Huggan, M.E. Messinger, Cops and Attacking Robbers with Cycle Constraints, preprint here.
8. A. Clow, N. McKay, Digraph Placement Games, preprint here.
7. A. Clow, N. McKay, Ordinal Sums of Numbers, preprint here.
6. P. Bradshaw, A. Clow, L. Stacho, Cornering Robots to Synchronize a DFA, preprint here.
5. A. Clow, L. Stacho, Oriented Colouring Graphs of Bounded Degree and Degeneracy, preprint here.
4. P. Bradshaw, A. Clow, J. Xu, Injective edge colorings of degenerate graphs and the oriented chromatic number, preprint here.
3. A.Clow, CM van Bommel, Eternal Distance-2 Domination in Trees, preprint here.
2. A. Clow, Graphs with Large Girth and Small Cop Number preprint here.
Papers Published, to Appear, or Accepted
1. A. Clow, S. Finbow, Advances in Finding Ideal Play on Poset Games, Integers-Electronic Journal of Combinatorics- Special Memorial Volume in Honour of Elwyn Berlekamp, John Conway, and Richard Guy. Published December 2021.
Other Academic Writing
· A.Clow, Colouring Oriented Graphs on Surfaces, MSc Thesis, available here, August 2024.
· A.Clow, Ordered Sums of Combinatorial Games, Undergraduate Honours Thesis, available here, April 2022.
· Peter Bradshaw (x2)
· Neil McKay (x2)
· Ladislav Stacho (x2)
· Christopher van Bommel
· Jingwei Xu